Welcome to Meadowbrook's PTA!
Meadowbrook Elementary's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) offers a wonderful way to become involved at your child's school.
Meetings and events are friendly gatherings where parents can connect with Meadowbrook families and staff members. Please participate as often as possible and feel free to bring along a friend or a neighbor.
To learn more about the Meadowbrook PTA, visit
Membership Information
We invite you and your family to join the Meadowbrook Elementary PTA and become a member of a great team of parents and school staff. Together, we help serve our children and our school.
Please visit the Meadowbrook Elementary PTA Member Hub to join or make a donation.
Your support benefits our children directly. We can make great things happen for our children and our school.
Thank you in advance for supporting the PTA and everyone at Meadowbrook Elementary!
Interested in volunteering?
If you would like to volunteer for one or several PTA events(s), please contact our volunteer coordinator, Paige Early.
Meadowbrook PTA Executive Board
President: Nichole Keppen
Vice President: Janice Barringer
Treasurer: Mersiha Cummulaj
Secretary: Helen Davis
Fundraising Chair: Aleza Elles and Sarah Reese
Membership Chair: Joy Reeder and Helen Davis
Community Outreach: Vacant
Reflections Chair: Joy Reeder and Aleza Elles
Legislative Representative: Vacant
Volunteer Coordinator: Paige Early